Writers; they don't shed a tear, they bleed in papers

I have always been aware how important and powerful writing is. Well, so is also talking but it doesn't last much longer. Words written can last forever meanwhile words heard often get forgotten. I wanted to try but I am kind of afraid.

I still remember when I was a kid, my Dad was concentrating with his writing in English (well, we are not from English-spoken country). I could just learn how to read that time but did not understand what he was trying to put in his script. Later on I understood he was writing a review from some Europe or American progressive rock bands. He wrote it for local newspaper, magazine and internet. I thought how cool was it.

Then I was in elemantary school and every 21th April our country celebrates Kartini's Day. Kartini was a prominent Indonesian national hero from Java. She was a pioneer in the area of education for girls and women's rights for Indonesians in early 1900s. I bet for God's sake she was not the first woman who came up explicitly with the idea that women deserve as well access for education. What differentiated her with others was simply that; she wrote. She put her ideas and beliefs on letters and they were published in a Dutch magazine and later as: Out of Darkness to Light, Women's Life in the Village, and Letters of a Javanese Princess

Almost three years ago I left my country home and living in Europe. I stumbled on Youtube to a TED-Ed video about The White Rose (German: Weiße Rose) in Munich, Germany. It was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in the Third Reich led by a group of students including Hans and Sophie Scholl. The group conducted an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign that called for active opposition to the Nazi regime. They wanted to wake people up anonimously through the inks on the papers. And honestly, it takes a great bravery to do that for their lives were the price.

The thought of why haven't started to write suddenly appear in my head last night and it a bit bothered me. Well I am not some kind an intelectual genius who intends to pour my philoshopy thoughts in a script. I just want to simlpy express and share my perspectives and hope to get the clarity. I once read that writing helps you to process the thoughts and emotions you've been through and unexpectedly makes you understand it better. But as I once mentioned, I am a bit afraid. I told m fear to a friend who I acknowledge has some skills with literature. He likes to write poems too.

He told me:
"After the courage to face the fear, the next phase is pain. You cannot lie. Writing or making arts is basically a record of the reality which is processed with your true feelings. And to reach that true feelings you must be honest with yourself, and that hurts."

And he added:
"Your writing is your charity for the civilization. Or least it is your record, your track. Simply said, just write whan you want to tell. Just write it."

And it reminds me of a quote from I book which I forgot the title:
"Three things to do before you die; have a child, plant a tree and write a book."

Well, the concept of 'leaving a trace after you die' and 'fighting the oblivion' sounds dramatic but graceful. But I'm not looking that far yet. I am still at the beginning. I still need to practice gathering the courage and processing the random concepts in my head. Hopefully the journey brings me clarity as well as peace.
